3 AKC Updates That Impact Dog Agility

Great news - hot off the AKC Agility Presses:
Actions Taken at the August 2022 Meeting of the AKC Board of Directors
Aug 17, 2022
1) One Judge Required on Three Passes for Lower-Level Obedience, Agility & Rally Titles
Board Policy was modified to require only one judge for three passes for lower-level titles in Obedience, Agility and Rally. This was a provision that was put into place during the COVID pandemic and is being made permanent effective immediately.
For Agility the titles this permanent change applies to are:
Novice Level - NA - NAP - NAJ - NJP - NF - NFP
Open Level - OA - OAP - OAJ - OJP - OF - OFP
Excellent Level - AX - AXP - AXJ - XF - XFP
Reduction in Date and Mileage Restrictions for Agility Judges
2) Board Policy was modified to reduce the date and mileage restriction for judging assignments in Agility to 30 days/100 miles. This was a modification to a provision that was put into place during the COVID pandemic and is a permanent change to the Agility regulations effective January 2, 2023.
3) Dogs Disqualified for Aggression
The Board VOTED to establish by a policy that dogs disqualified more than once under the provisions of Chapter 11, Section 8-A of the Rules Applying to Dog Shows are ineligible for reinstatement.
Dogs disqualified more than once under the provisions of Chapter 11, Section 8-A of the Rules.
Applying to Dog Shows are ineligible for reinstatement. (By judge for attacking a person in the ring, by Event Committee for attacking and injuring a person or a dog, or administratively barred due to multiple excusals for aggression).